The Servant of God Augustine John Ukken (1880-1956), a pioneer of the apostolate of charity in Central Kerala in the beginning of the 20th century was a diocesan priest from the diocese of Trichur. He is the founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity. Half a century has passed since the death of this illustrious son of the Church. Already in his lifetime and ever after his death, the fame of holiness of this noble priest has been attested by many, both Christians and non Christians. The cause of Beatification of Servant of God Augustine John Ukken has been initiated on Aug. 24th, 2008. The Archdiocesan Tribunal examining the life, virtues, fame of holiness of the Servant of God was inaugurated on Aug. 31st, 2008.

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Diocesan Inquiry on the Life and Virtues of the Servant of God Fr. Augustine John Ukken was closed on 23rd May 2012 at St. Thomas Parish Church, Chowannur after the study of four years. After the demise of the Servant of God Fr. Augustine John Ukken on 13th October 1956, the fame of his holiness and virtuous life began to spread far and wide. Many incidents have been reported where intercessory power of the Servant of God was clearly felt by the faithful. One such case is that of Mrs. Leetha Joseph Panikulam who had a miraculous healing on the night of 25th August 2002 from a complex set of illnesses. Mrs. Leetha is the wife of Joseph Panikulam from Kattoor, Thrissur district, Kerala. In the ninth month of her 2nd pregnancy, on 1st August 2002, she had severe pain in the abdomen and admitted to the hospital and was diagnosed to have Renal Failure following severe Postpartum Haemorrhage, DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy) and Brainstem Haemorrhage extending into 4th ventricle leading to left sided paralysis and seizures and had severe chest infection. She was critically ill and was in ICU (Jubilee mission Hospital) till 26th August 2002. With the intercession of Servant of God Fr. Augustine John Ukken she got sudden and comprehensive healing. It has been proved permanent as there is no relapse for the last ten years. The Diocesan Inquiry investigated about this miracle from 2011 and the inquiry came to an end on 28th June 2012 at Maria Bhavan Generalate Kolazhy.
The Congregation for the Causes of Saints has approved the diocesan level inquiry conducted on the life and virtues of the Servant of God Fr. Augustine John Ukken and issued a decree on the validity of the acts on 22nd February 2013. In the next level, that is in the Roman Phase inquiry, in order to deal with the progress of the cause, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints appointed Rev. Fr. Paul Pallath, as the Postulator on 27th August 2012, Rev. Fr. Zdzislaw Kijas OFM, from Poland as Relator on 21st June 2013, Rev. Sr. Varsha CSC as collaborator on 4th March 2013 and the Postulator appointed Rev. Sr. Pushapa CSC as Vice postulator on 8th March 2013. The validity of the Diocesan process on the Alleged Miracle of the Servant of God Fr. Augustine John Ukken was declared on 29.11.2013.